# Pose,这部剧应该跟Rent一起看(在看完pose之前,我可以说是完全没有理解Rent,看过以后,我深深爱上了Angel,也深深地为她和Collins的爱情所感动)
我们可以避免HIV,但是我们不能避免“being different”。在我们生命的某个时刻,我们都可能成为少数人。从他们的生活中,你知道怎样面对这种孤独,又怎么在这种困境中爬起。正因为他们生活在社会的边缘
There were a place for all of us to be all of them things that we weren't allowed to be out in the world. All right, how many times have we walked Businesswoman? And now you a real one, Elektra. Or Runway, Miss Angel. And now you actually walk the real runways. We weren't pretending when we walked those categories, we were preparing. Faking it until we made it. And more than anything, we made a statement. That we deserve to dream and have our dreams fulfilled. When we were
姿态 第三季:You deserve all the best.
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